Also known as:
Little Love
Ellie Belly
Ellie Belly
Sweet Potato
You Little Stinker
Oh, Ellie. You've taught me a lot this year.
I have learned to be grateful for my body as it carried and nourished you.
Your unrelenting obsession with mamamamama has made me so happy.
With you bouncing on my hip, clinging to my hair and squealing at the squirrels in the yard, I've learned to turn my mind away from the anxieties of the future: I can see the joy He gives me each day. I have learned to trust God by simply doing what sits in front of me.
I have learned, in fact, that I can do much more than I thought; that I am weak and needy, and yet through God's grace, I am able.
I have worked harder and thought harder because of you. (I think I have also become a lot crunchier.) In all those things I have tried to take better care of us, because I see the future in your glowing eyes.
We love you, baby girl.
Happy Birthday, Ellie!!!