I don't have any links this time, because I was too busy nesting to collect any for you. As much fun as blogging is, it's a lot more fun to fold blankets and arrange wine glasses in the china cabinet.
However, I do have husband quotes and a preggers update.
"I love you even more than bacon."
"Babe, why do you have a big bag of weed in the kitchen?"
For the record, it's red raspberry leaf tea . . . and I knew as soon as I opened the package that he would be calling it weed.
We're excited. |
Pregnancy happenings: There is a muchness of baby in front of me, as you can see. I think this is what they call the "beached whale stage." Honestly, I sort of forget what life was like without a big belly preceding me. I suppose that once upon a time, I could bend over without grunting like an inelegant cow . . . yes, I recall those days vaguely . . .
Tadpole is full term now (38 weeks yesterday!) but I've been trying not to go into labor, i.e. moving slowly and taking a lot of breaks as I unpack. After all, the nursery is not ready, the house is still full of boxes, none of her clothes have been washed let alone put away, I don't have the required paraphernalia to take to the birth center. Oh my. People ask me if I'm "ready" and I just sort of give them a skeptical look. What does "ready" even mean when it comes to bringing a brand new soul into the world?
Some days I cannot wait until she arrives. I can't wait to see her little feet, not just feel them. I can't wait to hold her. I can't wait to discover her personality. Other days I am on the verge of a freakout at the thought of, well, being a mother. How am I supposed to take care of a miniature person? How will I know what she needs? Are they seriously going to let us take her home?!
Well, it could be any day now. I'll keep you posted.