20 August 2010

Staying Real About Real Food

Here's the thing. These days, I cook a lot and do tons of reading on "real food" nutrition. But you know what? That's because I have the time. It's just me all day. No children, and teaching doesn't start until next Wednesday.

I know this season will not last. Someday I will not have time to make yogurt, soak oatmeal, research phytic acid and probiotics. (That's part of the reason I am trying to educate myself now.) When that time comes I want to be able to accept it gracefully. I want to trust God and keep His will foremost, not my own. I want to make the necessary compromises without throwing a fit over my spoiled plans.

So . . . I am thankful that I have the time and resources to do what I'm doing now. However, I'm very aware that this season is God's kindness to me. If I do accomplish anything worthwhile, it's nothing to boast about. And that will still be true ten years down the road, when there are (hopefully) several children at my side and I am spending more time on parenting than sourdough starters. :)

These three articles have been extremely helpful to me: getting my motives straightened out and adjusting my expectations.

Can Natural Living Become an Idol?
When Homemaking Gets in the Way of Mothering
Even Real Food Bloggers Get the Blues

1 comment:

  1. Ah, enjoy these days and this season for it surely changes quickly with even the addition of one child! I will try not to be jealous. :-) This is why I always wanted so much to not have to work full time when we got married - to be able to devote more time to this kind of stuff and feel more prepared for when kids did come . . . . becuase I knew there wouldn't be time then which has proven to be very true. It looks like you're keeping a balanced perspective on it all which is really good. Enjoy your times baking and experimenting in the kitchen. I wish I had more time for that kind of stuff. Of course then I would probably weigh about 50lbs more so maybe it's a good thing that I don't have the time! LOL :-)
